Here is a selection of photos (some of which might be scattered around other areas of the web site) to enable you to get a quick overview of local sporting teams and events. As you can imagine after this distance of time most of these people are unknown but its always my aim to ensure their names are discovered and appended to the photo. It may be possible exact copies of these photos exist in other collections or dusty attics and these have the names written on the back. Alternatively the photos are in contemporary newspapers with their names printed. If you can assist I would be very pleased to hear from you. (PL)
Bermuda Ladies Football Team in the early 1950's. At the very back Anne Sparrow the manager, Standing left to right, Mrs. Waite, Mrs Seadon, Mrs Kilburn, Joan Kent, Elsie Sheldon, Joan Clay, Violet Fowler, Mrs. Haycock, Sitting: Mrs. Coles, Violet Tallis, Jean Kent, Ann Warren, May Gibbs, (Ralph Oldacres).
This photo came from the Chilvers Coton Mallabone Family Album, but was obviously taken during WW1 and might be in France although there looks to be a sports stand in the background. I include it in case anyone in the Nuneaton area can see a relative and identify him or know where it was taken? (Lynn Wilkes)